Monday, October 30, 2006

Getting the Vote Out - Getting the Vote Right

The elections are at hand. Can you put aside all the negative advertising? Try. It is all designed to distract from the candidates and issues. Remember, this sort of thing is a Red Herring.

Early voting is available in Florida where I live. I will probably vote this week and avoid the lines on election day.

Probably the most effective thing we can do in an election is pray for guidance in our candidate choice and decision making. God probably won't wake you in the middle of the night to tell you how to vote, but prayer will clarify your thinking, and the guidance will be there.

If you have gone over your sample ballot and scratched out the scoundrels and incompetents; if you have set aside the Red Herrings they are trying to feed you; and, if you have focused on the character of the persons running for office, now you are ready for decision making. Now take a look at the real issues and make up your mind about them. Then vote!

The Hermeneutic of Voting

1. Pray for guidance.
2. Throw the Scoundrels out.
3. Identify and eliminate the Incompetents.
4. Choose the Party or the Person
5. Beware of the Red Herrings
6. Decide the issues
7. Pray for guidance.

God bless and keep these United States of America.