Voices crying in the wilderness.
Throughout this world of ours there are a number of folks trying to tell us something important.. They are like voices crying in the wilderness. Some are shouting "Prepare ye the way of the Lord."Others are somewhat less strident, more of the "You better watch out; you better not cry," variety. A few of us are just grumpy old men and women griping and complaining. All of us are trying to direct your attention to some idea we believe is important for all of us in this society.
It is probably fair, however, to say that most of the Voices Crying in the Wilderness are doing so because we believe it is God's will for us to do so. It is , so to speak, our job. Your job is to listen and to discern what God is saying to you through us. Our prayer is that you may not finiish before we do!
After all those cautionary remarks let me introduce my friend and Father in God, Bishop Philip Weeks, whose blog is now underway at
Over the years he has had many good things to say to me and I commend him as a voice in the wilderness worth listening to.Remember too, that some of the things we most need to hear are said by those who consider us their enemies. For example, many have cringed when they have heard the mega church movement attacked. Apart from those condemning the movement, there have also been voices questioning whether the whole concept accords with God's will. Anyone who enjoyed the opportunity to worship and be part of one of these communities unually dismissed any and all criticism. And then we have a Haggard flaming burnout. Academics are now wisely stroking their beards and pronouncing the likely (or unlikely) demise of mega churches.
Now we listen, but what we hear is mostly gossip, a lot of it erudite, academic gossip, but gossip none the less. Ought we not to have listened better to the Voices Crying in the Wilderness?
He who has ears to hear, let him listen.